President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama arrived for a concert entitled In Performance at the White House: A Celebration of Music from the Civil Rights Movement" in the East Room of the White House Washington February 9, 2010.
Via the AP:
Crediting civil rights-era protest songs and their spiritual predecessors for his election, President Barack Obama on Tuesday sat in the East Room of his White House and listened to an all-star lineup of performers pay tribute to the music that he said fueled freedom marches and civil disobedience.
"The civil rights movement was a movement sustained by music," Obama said as he welcomed his audience. He said activists from coast to coast were inspired by spirituals, felt their will sharpened by protest songs and base broadened by artists of hope. He said their work paved the way toward a more just America that allowed him to make history in 2008 with his election.
"Tonight, we celebrate the music of the movement," Obama said.
Info on when you can catch In Performance at the White House: Music of the Civil Rights Era in the video below:
[photo via Reuters]